what we are attempting to do

offering space to practice

Yoganarchy classes are not defined as you might usually find in other studios. Firstly we dont like the teacher /student- superior/inferior thing so anyone can be the instructor for any part of the designated time frame. Yoga is always a learning experience.  So if you’ve done a teacher training and haven’t had the chance to use your skills ; this is the place. If you want to lead a full 90 minute class just talk to us after class and we will book you in, or you can make your own scheduled class at a different time.

you can come late or leave early

you can follow the lead instruction, or do your own interpretation of whats being shared , or

you can just jump into downward dog when the class is doing tree pose

or just come to do your iyengar silent practice in the corner

Bring your own tunes and plug em in

There will always be at least one of our Yoganarchy Yogis at each scheduled class and they will lead if no one else wants to.

To find out more  click:    here