We offer straight up yoga, as practiced in India for thousands of years by millions of yogis. No Americanized,re-packaged “flow”,”tigress” or “goddess” type bastardizations; mixing language too anatomical and touchy feely. No postures re-vamped to be like pilaties, zumba or aerobics . JUST OLD SCHOOL YOGA. Shared by yogis with Gandhian-Anarchist intentions, which means egalitarian, no gods no masters, no discrimination, mutual respect, everyone is welcome , but we will not tolerate racism,sexism,homophobia or any type of discrimination or violent behaviour.
actually heres a book written in 1922 by Sir C.Sankaran Nair about Gandhi and Anarchy:
its a fascinating read that is actually an argument against Gandhis’ ideas and political stand for SWARAJ or Home rule and the struggle against Brittish colonialism . Mr Sankaran pokes fun at Gandhi for suggesting the abolition of state institutions like schools and hospitals and railways is crazy talk. But the Mahatma was just ahead of his time, like a hundred yrs ahead. It is plain to see now schools are just factories to brainwash and prepare human units for production and a life of work, and a tool to divide the people into class and racial groups. Hospitals are houses of discriminatory injustice where only the rich can access services and the poor are left to die on the street or suffer from no treatment.Supermarkets for drugging the populace .Institutions designed to encourage sickness so the pharmaceutical corporate giants can reap more and more profits . Alternate and hebal treatments are outlawed (current FDA banning of Kratom), and holistic approach to health and preventative medicine is not available. He saw that mass transport , even 100 years ago was going to deteriorate local markets and social support systems of small sustainable communities. Eating caviar from Norway in New York is a extreme waste of resources and a luxury that needs to be re thought along with a total re think of how we all behave as humans if we are to survive as a species .
some good news from wendig