A New Study Suggests People’s Egos Get Bigger After Yoga & Meditation In an attempt to try and limit our ego from running the show and move closer to our spirit and connection to the divine, many of us are on a path towards enlightenment. advertisement – learn more This path […]
‘Nonviolent resistance works not by melting the heart of the opponent but by constraining their options.’ Photograph: Frank Franklin II/AP Shares Wednesday 1 February 2017 10.16 ESTFirst published on Wednesday 1 February 2017 06.00 EST The Gaurdian website : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/01/worried-american-democracy-study-activist-techniques Many people across the United States are despondent about the new president – and the threat to […]
Spooners corner
Government is in reality established by the few; and these few assume the consent of all the rest, without any such consent being actually given. ~Lysander Spooner
We offer straight up yoga, as practiced in India for thousands of years by millions of yogis. No Americanized,re-packaged “flow”,”tigress” or “goddess” type bastardizations; mixing language too anatomical and touchy feely. No postures re-vamped to be like pilaties, zumba or aerobics . JUST OLD SCHOOL YOGA. Shared by yogis with Gandhian-Anarchist intentions, which means egalitarian, […]
change the world be a yogi
As I write this, some shit is probably going down at Standing Rock. For anybody awake to the tyranny at hand, the events of the last few months have weighed heavily on our hearts. But the thing people need to remember is this: We’re all Native Americans. If you were born in the USA, and […]